an augmented reality browser, a chance to reinvent reality
NeoReality is a Wordpress plugin. By using it you can transform your website into an Augmented Reality Content Management System (CMS). In a free CMS. "Free" as in "freedom".
This and other characteristics of NeoReality make it a suitable tool to reinvent your reality.
We can now write on the world in multiple, autonomous ways, using digital technologies ubiquitously to place content anywhere, anytime. This is a great opportunity: defining what is "reality" is an act of authority and power; being able to define it autonomously is an act of freedom.
By using Augmented Reality we can add autonomous information and interactions in any place we wish, and we are able to freely recontextualize any place of the world.
NeoReality is produced by
AOS, Art is Open Source
FakePress Publishing
and is supported by
Digital Rules'n Regs
Produced by
Information about NeoReality
NeoReality is a free open source augmented reality browser for iPhone and iPad that uses Wordpress-powered websites as CMS.The objective of NeoReality is to create a tool for free, autonomous reality augmentation possibilities.
Commonly available AR platforms rely on private services whose providers actually own your access points to this new space of expression which is currently showing the possibility of becoming a new digital public space, layered onto the physical one.
While we do not mean that we necessarily have to mistrust service providers, we also strongly point out how the possibility of actually owning our data, our possibility for expression, our augmented layers of the world is a key factor in claiming and defending of freedoms of expression, information and communication.
We also think that it is highly desirable and strategic to work on open software platforms so that it is perfectly clear what people do with our information.
Because we are constantly observed by service providers, who use the information captured by our accesses for the most variable purposes: from marketing to government intelligence.
Using open platforms, the ones that publicly share their source code, is the only way of knowing where our data ends up.
And: Augmented Reality is becoming a truly important opportunity. It is becoming a new public space: highly accessible and, most important of all, *EVERYWHERE*. Meaning that we now have the possibility to "write on the world" in ways that are completely autonomous and free.
NeoReality is an AR Browser. Its features are not so advanced as current commercially available AR browsers. It still misses 3D object import and the interface is really basic.We wrote it in about 1 month of work to be used in an artistic action which you all will know about in a bit. I now am benefiting from help coming from a constantly growing list of friends who are all joining the development efforts to add some features to the AR experience which we are all very excited about and that have the power to drastically change many of the things which we do in our daily lives.
But you'll have to wait a bit: we'll disclose everything really soon. :)
There is a GITHub project available HERE that will allow you to start using NeoReality.NeoReality uses Wordpress powered websites as CMS (Content Management Systems) for the AR Browser.
What it means is that you use a Wordpress site to collect your spatially disseminated data which will then be available on the AR browsing experience.
This README file will provide the basic startup details to setup NeoReality. A complete documentation will follow soon and you are all invited to helping out in writing it.
Initial Steps
NeoReality uses Wordpress.Download the latest Wordpress version at
Create your database, use it in the Wordpress installation process and make sure that the Wordpress system is installed correctly before you go on with the NeoReality Installation.
On your correctly functioning Wordpress installation add some plugins (search for them in the Wordpress "add new plugin" interface):
- the Geotag plugin by Boris Pulyer
- the Category Icons plugin by Brahim Machkouri
The server side of the AR system makes some assumptions on paths and filenames (this will rapidly change and become a bit more automatic):
- your Wordpress will need to be in a directory named "wordpress" that sits where your PHP files are
- only one of the PHP files (named "getARPoints.php") needs to be placed into the same directory (the "wordpress" directory) as your "wp-config.php" file
- for example on my server I have a layout like this: /neoreality/wordpress
- in the example: all the serverside files will go into the "neoreality" folder, except for the "getARPoints.php" file which goes into the "wordpress" dir together with your Wordpress installation
If any of these path formats are not met, you will need to go through the PHP files in the server side components of NeoReality to adjust things according to your directory layouts.
Take note of the URLs with which you can reach the PHP files you just installed, as you will need to write them in the Objective-C files of the XCode project you will use to build the iPhone/iPod part of the application
the XCode project
The Directory "NewReality-XCODE" in the git repository contains a complete XCode project. It includes all the files needed to build and deploy the App on both iPhone and iPad.The iPad version is still not in the repository here on GitHub, as we're making it a bit more readable. It will be here soon.
As you all know to deploy apps on actual iphones and ipads you will need to register to the Apple Developer program and request, download, install and use a plethora of digital certificates. We won't cover any of this process here, and advise you check out the tutorials and info documents found at
Remember the URLs you wrote down at the previous tasks? You will need them now.
Browse the ".m" files in the project (the Objective C source code) for the string "http://" this is where you will need to replace the URLs. Observe the URLs and which PHP file they request: change the domain/path part of the URL, add "https" in the URL scheme if your server supports it, and leave the PHP filename alone :)
(again: there will be an easier setup phase in a bit)
Setup your SDK inside XCode (and, mainly, select the platform, make sure that the frameworks are correctly linked, set your BUNDLE, Product Name and Versions in the project properties, adjust your Info.plist file if it needs to be adjusted, use the provided icons as reference to build your own).
Build and it should go (where "should", in programming, is a word to be taken really seriously) :)
happy augmented, free, autonomous, fun.
News about NeoReality
- April 27, 2011: First commit for NeoReality on GITHub HERE
End of the Digital Rules'n Regs online residency.
NeoReality was born under the support of the DR'nR artist development program.
You can read more on the program website or on the residency blog how we came up with the NeoReality project by opening up a dialogue on the rules:
Love thy Neighbour;
Honour the Original;
Obey the Market.
These rules also formed the direction in which we are going to use NeoReality for the upcoming performance.
Nexts Steps
Next Steps in the NeoReality performance
We are going to set up the next steps for NeoReality really soon.
As emerged during the Digital Rules'n Regs online residency, we are going to use our possibilities to reinvent reality to actually do try and reinvent a bit of our reality, by proposing a few interesting steps toward new pragmatic models that may be able to suggest sustainable futures for ourselves, our creativity, our possibilities for expression and, most of all, for a chance to go beyond the current state of crisis with a smile on our faces and with a few aces in our pockets, enabling new forms of economy, empowerment and relations among fellow humans.
We are going to start from art.
Art has a very peculiar role in todays world. With corporations happily engaging with Richard Florida's ideas for a creative class, practically producing "creative cyborgs" who live on false dreams, unsustainable economies for both wallet and soul, and on the masochistic idea that "working for free is the way to go" (listen up all you crowd sourcers!), we will enact a new mechanism.
A mechanism which is about autonomy.
A mechanism which is about freedom.
A mechanism which is about money.
Stay tuned in the next few days.
Join the development of NeoReality
If at all interested, please join in by participating to performances, actions and software development.
We will publish relevant info here in this section.
You can join in the collaborative development process here on GITHub
who does what?
- Salvatore Iaconesi: concept, design, development
- Oriana Persico: concept, communication
- Digital Rules'n Regs: support, initial funding
Reference links for NeoReality